C++ Struct with char* losing value when returned? – A Beginner’s Guide to Understanding the Mystery
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C++ Struct with char* losing value when returned? – A Beginner’s Guide to Understanding the Mystery

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Are you a C++ enthusiast struggling to understand why your struct with a char* is losing its value when returned from a function? Well, buckle up, folks! Today, we’re going to dive into the world of C++ structs, char pointers, and function returns to unravel the mystery behind this pesky issue.

The Problem Statement

Let’s start with a simple example that demonstrates the problem. Suppose you have a struct like this:

struct Person {
    char* name;
    int age;

Now, you create a function that initializes a Person struct and returns it:

Person createPerson(const char* name, int age) {
    Person p;
    p.name = new char[strlen(name) + 1];
    strcpy(p.name, name);
    p.age = age;
    return p;

You might expect that when you call this function, it would return a Person struct with the correct name and age. But, lo and behold! When you try to access the name field, you’ll find that it’s empty or contains gibberish.

What’s Going On?

The reason behind this unexpected behavior lies in how C++ handles memory and function returns. When you return a struct from a function, C++ performs a shallow copy of the struct’s fields. This means that the returned struct gets a copy of the original struct’s fields, but not the memory they point to.

In the case of the Person struct, the name field is a char pointer. When you return the struct, the pointer itself is copied, but not the memory it points to. Since the original memory was allocated on the stack (using new char[]), it gets destroyed when the function returns, leaving the returned struct’s name field pointing to invalid memory.

Solutions to the Problem

Fear not, dear C++ enthusiasts! There are several ways to solve this issue. Let’s explore them together:

1. Use std::string Instead of char*

The simplest solution is to replace the char* field with a std::string:

struct Person {
    std::string name;
    int age;

std::string is a class that manages its own memory, so you don’t need to worry about memory allocation and deallocation. When you return a Person struct with a std::string field, the string’s contents are copied correctly.

2. Use Dynamic Memory Allocation with new and delete

If you still want to use char* fields, you can dynamically allocate memory for the string using new and delete:

Person createPerson(const char* name, int age) {
    Person p;
    p.name = new char[strlen(name) + 1];
    strcpy(p.name, name);
    p.age = age;
    return p;

void deletePerson(Person p) {
    delete[] p.name;

In this approach, you need to manually manage memory using new and delete. When you return the Person struct, the caller is responsible for deleting the memory allocated for the name field using deletePerson()

3. Use a Smart Pointer like unique_ptr

Another solution is to use a smart pointer like unique_ptr to manage the memory for the char* field:

struct Person {
    std::unique_ptr name;
    int age;

Person createPerson(const char* name, int age) {
    Person p;
    p.name = std::make_unique(strlen(name) + 1);
    strcpy(p.name.get(), name);
    p.age = age;
    return p;

In this approach, the unique_ptr takes care of deleting the memory allocated for the name field when the Person struct is destroyed.

Best Practices and Performance Considerations

When working with structs and char* fields in C++, it’s essential to follow best practices and consider performance implications:

  • Avoid naked char* fields: Instead, use std::string or smart pointers like unique_ptr to manage memory.
  • Use const correctness: Mark function parameters and return types as const when possible to ensure correctness and prevent unexpected changes.
  • Consider memory allocation overhead: Dynamic memory allocation can be costly. Use stack-based allocations or pre-allocated memory pools when possible.
  • Use move semantics: When returning large structs, use move semantics to avoid unnecessary copies and improve performance.


In conclusion, the mystery of the lost char* value when returning a C++ struct is solved! By understanding how C++ handles memory and function returns, and by using the solutions outlined above, you can write more efficient and reliable code.

Solution Pros Cons
Use std::string Easy to use, efficient memory management None
Use dynamic memory allocation Flexible, allows custom memory management Manual memory management, error-prone
Use smart pointers Efficient memory management, exception-safe Requires C++11 or later, additional overhead

Remember, when working with C++ structs and char* fields, it’s essential to consider memory management, performance, and best practices to write robust and efficient code.

Happy coding, and may the C++ force be with you!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to crack the code and unravel the mysteries of C++ structs with char*!

Why does my char* member in a C++ struct lose its value when returned from a function?

This is because the char* pointer is pointing to a local array or a temporary string, which gets destroyed when the function returns. The pointer becomes a dangling pointer, pointing to memory that is no longer valid. To fix this, you can use std::string instead of char*, or dynamically allocate memory for the char* using new and delete.

How can I prevent the char* member from losing its value when returned from a function?

One way is to use std::string instead of char*, which manages its own memory and will not lose its value when returned from a function. Another way is to dynamically allocate memory for the char* using new and delete, but be careful to avoid memory leaks.

Why does using std::string instead of char* solve the problem?

std::string manages its own memory and will not lose its value when returned from a function. When a std::string is returned, a copy of the string is created, which ensures that the data remains valid even after the function returns.

Can I use smart pointers instead of raw pointers for the char* member?

Yes, you can use smart pointers like unique_ptr or shared_ptr to manage the memory for the char* member. This can help prevent memory leaks and ensure that the memory is properly deallocated when it’s no longer needed.

What are some best practices to avoid issues with char* members in C++ structs?

Some best practices include using std::string instead of char*, dynamically allocating memory with smart pointers, and avoiding raw pointers whenever possible. Additionally, always ensure that the memory is properly deallocated when it’s no longer needed, and consider using containers like std::vector instead of raw arrays.